The newest addition to the acclaimed The Unnamed universe (also lovingly known as the “Geigerverse”) by creative trio Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, and Brad Anderson is set to hit shelves this fall. With its focus on a robot soldier, the titular Junkyard Joe, the creators have something special in store for military veterans. It’s a surprisingly personal undertone that shows how much they care about their project.
Image Comics to release new series Junkyard Joe
The first time readers saw Junkyard Joe was back in the Geiger comic series as a comic strip drawn by the character Muddy Davis. (He also graced the cover of Geiger #6!) Though Joe is a robotic soldier, the storytelling is said to encourage better awareness of the unique challenges veterans to face once they leave the service. The story of Junkyard Joe provides a historical context that stretches back to the Vietnam War and explores the fine line between fiction and reality.
The special edition covers to release alongside Junkyard Joe #1
In honor of veterans, the team at Image is releasing a limited series of unique black and white cover copies alongside the premiere issue. Proceeds from these Veterans Edition copies will be donated to the charities Veterans Aid and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans.
The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to ending homelessness among veterans. NCHV is the oldest and largest national organization committed to this issue. They work with a network of over 2,000 service providers and have helped over 500,000 veterans since their founding in 1987. Their programs focus on prevention, emergency services, and transitional housing assistance. NCHV also advocates on behalf of homeless veterans at the local, state, and federal levels.
Veterans Aid is a national charity that provides practical and financial support to veterans in need. It was founded in 1932 by First World War veteran Jack Cornwell, who himself had experienced firsthand the difficulties faced by veterans struggling to rebuild their lives after the war. Today, Veterans Aid remains true to its roots, supporting veterans of all ages and conflicts, from the Second World War to more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The charity provides vital help with housing, employment, benefits, and other practical needs, as well as emotional support through its volunteer mentors.
The release date for Junkyard Joe announced
Junkyard Joe #1 and the special charity edition will be available to purchase on October 5th, 2022. Image Comics will be donating proceeds from sales of the Black & White edition to the charities above. Geoff Johns’ own company, Mad Ghost Productions, will also be donating $2 for every special issue sold.